Firefox-Browser font awesome icon Usage,CSS Class Name,SVG & CSS Content Code

Firefox-Browser font awesome icon css class name is fa-firefox-browser and CSS Content Code is \e007.

Firefox-Browser font awesome icon is part of brands icons.

Firefox-Browser font awesome icon usage

We can display Firefox-Browser font awesome icon using 3 different ways depending upon our requirement.

  1. Using CSS Class Name

  2. Using CSS Content Code

  3. Using SVG

Firefox-Browser font awesome icon CSS class name

To display Firefox-Browser font awesome icon, add predefined class name i.e.,fa-firefox-browser (with prefix fa-) to the i tag.

And we need to add corresponding font awesome icon style for the Firefox-Browser icon.

Firefox-Browser icon has 1 icon style i.e.,brands. We need to append icon style class fab.

<i class='fab fa-firefox-browser'></i>


Firefox-Browser font awesome icon CSS Content Code

We can display Firefox-Browser font awesome icon using it’s CSS Content Code \e007

Use the following HTML code

<li><span class='Firefox-Browser fontawesomeicon'></span>Firefox-Browser</li>

Apply CSS code

.fontawesomeicon::before {
    display: inline-block;
    text-rendering: auto;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

.Firefox-Browser::before {
   font: var(--fa-font-brands);
    content: ' \e007';


.fontawesomeicon::before { display: inline-block; text-rendering: auto; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } .Firefox-Browser::before { font: var(--fa-font-brands); content: ' \e007'; }
  • Firefox-Browser
  • For the detailed tutorial visit

    Firefox-Browser font awesome icon SVG

    Use the following icon SVG to display Firefox-Browser font awesome icon.

    <svg class='fontawesomesvg' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M130.22 127.548C130.38 127.558 130.3 127.558 130.22 127.548V127.548ZM481.64 172.898C471.03 147.398 449.56 119.898 432.7 111.168C446.42 138.058 454.37 165.048 457.4 185.168C457.405 185.306 457.422 185.443 457.45 185.578C429.87 116.828 383.098 89.1089 344.9 28.7479C329.908 5.05792 333.976 3.51792 331.82 4.08792L331.7 4.15792C284.99 30.1109 256.365 82.5289 249.12 126.898C232.503 127.771 216.219 131.895 201.19 139.035C199.838 139.649 198.736 140.706 198.066 142.031C197.396 143.356 197.199 144.87 197.506 146.323C197.7 147.162 198.068 147.951 198.586 148.639C199.103 149.327 199.76 149.899 200.512 150.318C201.264 150.737 202.096 150.993 202.954 151.071C203.811 151.148 204.676 151.045 205.491 150.768L206.011 150.558C221.511 143.255 238.408 139.393 255.541 139.238C318.369 138.669 352.698 183.262 363.161 201.528C350.161 192.378 326.811 183.338 304.341 187.248C392.081 231.108 368.541 381.784 246.951 376.448C187.487 373.838 149.881 325.467 146.421 285.648C146.421 285.648 157.671 243.698 227.041 243.698C234.541 243.698 255.971 222.778 256.371 216.698C256.281 214.698 213.836 197.822 197.281 181.518C188.434 172.805 184.229 168.611 180.511 165.458C178.499 163.75 176.392 162.158 174.201 160.688C168.638 141.231 168.399 120.638 173.51 101.058C148.45 112.468 128.96 130.508 114.8 146.428H114.68C105.01 134.178 105.68 93.7779 106.25 85.3479C106.13 84.8179 99.022 89.0159 98.1 89.6579C89.5342 95.7103 81.5528 102.55 74.26 110.088C57.969 126.688 30.128 160.242 18.76 211.318C14.224 231.701 12 255.739 12 263.618C12 398.318 121.21 507.508 255.92 507.508C376.56 507.508 478.939 420.281 496.35 304.888C507.922 228.192 481.64 173.82 481.64 172.898Z"/></svg>

    Use the following HTML code

    <p>This <svg class='fontawesomesvg' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M130.22 127.548C130.38 127.558 130.3 127.558 130.22 127.548V127.548ZM481.64 172.898C471.03 147.398 449.56 119.898 432.7 111.168C446.42 138.058 454.37 165.048 457.4 185.168C457.405 185.306 457.422 185.443 457.45 185.578C429.87 116.828 383.098 89.1089 344.9 28.7479C329.908 5.05792 333.976 3.51792 331.82 4.08792L331.7 4.15792C284.99 30.1109 256.365 82.5289 249.12 126.898C232.503 127.771 216.219 131.895 201.19 139.035C199.838 139.649 198.736 140.706 198.066 142.031C197.396 143.356 197.199 144.87 197.506 146.323C197.7 147.162 198.068 147.951 198.586 148.639C199.103 149.327 199.76 149.899 200.512 150.318C201.264 150.737 202.096 150.993 202.954 151.071C203.811 151.148 204.676 151.045 205.491 150.768L206.011 150.558C221.511 143.255 238.408 139.393 255.541 139.238C318.369 138.669 352.698 183.262 363.161 201.528C350.161 192.378 326.811 183.338 304.341 187.248C392.081 231.108 368.541 381.784 246.951 376.448C187.487 373.838 149.881 325.467 146.421 285.648C146.421 285.648 157.671 243.698 227.041 243.698C234.541 243.698 255.971 222.778 256.371 216.698C256.281 214.698 213.836 197.822 197.281 181.518C188.434 172.805 184.229 168.611 180.511 165.458C178.499 163.75 176.392 162.158 174.201 160.688C168.638 141.231 168.399 120.638 173.51 101.058C148.45 112.468 128.96 130.508 114.8 146.428H114.68C105.01 134.178 105.68 93.7779 106.25 85.3479C106.13 84.8179 99.022 89.0159 98.1 89.6579C89.5342 95.7103 81.5528 102.55 74.26 110.088C57.969 126.688 30.128 160.242 18.76 211.318C14.224 231.701 12 255.739 12 263.618C12 398.318 121.21 507.508 255.92 507.508C376.56 507.508 478.939 420.281 496.35 304.888C507.922 228.192 481.64 173.82 481.64 172.898Z"/></svg>
     Firefox-Browser displayed using SVG</p>

    Apply CSS code

        .fontawesomesvg {width: 1em;
          height: 1em;
          vertical-align: -.125em;


    .fontawesomesvg {width: 1em; height: 1em; vertical-align: -.125em; }

    This Firefox-Browser displayed using SVG

    Change Firefox-Browser font awesome icon size

    To increase Firefox-Browser font awesome icon size, use the fa-lg(33 % increase), fa-2x, fa-3x, fa-4x, or fa-5x classes along with icon class \e007. Increase in icon size will be relative to their parent container.

    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-lg'>fa-lg</i><br/>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-2x'>fa-2x</i><br/>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-3x'>fa-3x</i><br/>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-4x'>fa-4x</i><br/>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-5x'>fa-5x</i><br/>



    Firefox-Browser font awesome icon with Fixed Width

    All the font awesome icons does not have same width.

    For example Firefox-Browser icon and home icon may not have same height and width.

    So to display two icons with fixed width and height we can use fa-fw class.

    <i style='border:1px solid;' class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-fw fa-3x'></i>Fixed Width<i style='border:1px solid;' class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-3x'></i>Normal<br/>
    <i style='border:1px solid;' class='fas fa-home fa-fw fa-3x'></i>Fixed Width<i style='border:1px solid;' class='fas fa-home fa-3x'></i>Normal<br/>


    Fixed WidthNormal
    Fixed WidthNormal

    Firefox-Browser font awesome icon Border

    To add border to Firefox-Browser font awesome icon, use fa-border class.

    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-border fa-3x'></i>


    Pull Firefox-Browser font awesome icon To the left

    To pull Firefox-Browser icon to the left of the container use fa-pull-left class.

    <div style='width: 200px;'>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-pull-left fa-3x'></i>
      ... The text after Firefox-Browser Icon will be displayed on the right side of the icon.
    <div style = 'clear: both;'></div>


    ... The text after Firefox-Browser Icon will be displayed on the right side of the icon.

    Pull Firefox-Browser font awesome icon To the left

    To pull Firefox-Browser icon to the right of the container use fa-pull-right class.

    <div style='width: 200px;'>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-pull-right fa-3x'></i>
      ... The text after Firefox-Browser Icon will be displayed on the left side of the icon.
    <div style = 'clear: both;'></div>


    ... The text after Firefox-Browser Icon will be displayed on the left side of the icon.

    Animate Firefox-Browser font awesome icon

    To animate Firefox-Browser font awesome icon, use fa-spin class.

    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-spin fa-3x'></i>


    Animate Firefox-Browser font awesome icon with steps

    While animating the font awesome icon,We can rotate Firefox-Browser icon in 8 steps instead of uniform rotation.

    We can use fa-pulse icon along with fa-spin class.

    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-spin fa-pulse fa-3x'></i>


    Rotate Firefox-Browser font awesome icon

    To rotate Firefox-Browser font awesome icon, Use fa-rotate-x class

    Where ‘x’ represents degree of rotation.

    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-3x'>R</i>normal<br/><br/>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-rotate-90 fa-3x'>R</i> fa-rotate-90<br/><br/> 
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-rotate-180  fa-3x'>R</i> fa-rotate-180<br/><br/> 
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-rotate-270 fa-3x'>R</i> fa-rotate-270<br/><br/>



    R fa-rotate-90

    R fa-rotate-180

    R fa-rotate-270

    Flip Firefox-Browser font awesome icon

    To flip Firefox-Browser font awesome icon horizontally and vertically use fa-flip-horizontal and fa-flip-vertical classes.

    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-3x'>F</i> Normal <br>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-flip-horizontal fa-3x'>F</i> fa-flip-horizontal<br>
    <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-flip-vertical fa-3x'>F</i> fa-flip-vertical<br>


    F Normal
    F fa-flip-horizontal
    F fa-flip-vertical

    Combine Firefox-Browser font awesome icon with other font awesome icons

    In font awesome icons,using stacking we can combine multiple icons and display it as one icon.

    To do that use the fa-stack class on the parent, the fa-stack-1x for the regularly sized icon, and fa-stack-2x for the larger icon.

    And use class fa-inverse for an alternative icon color.

    In the below example, I am displaying Firefox-Browser font awesome icon on top of icons like fa-square,fa-circle and fa-ban.

    And used fa-inverse in the second example to invert the color of the icon.

        <span class='fa-stack fa-lg'>
            <i class='far fa-square fa-stack-2x'></i>
            <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-stack-1x'></i>
          Firefox-Browser on fa-square<br>
        <span class='fa-stack fa-lg'>
            <i class='fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x'></i>
            <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-stack-1x fa-inverse'></i>
          Firefox-Browser on fa-circle<br>
        <span class='fa-stack fa-lg'>
            <i class='fab fa-firefox-browser fa-stack-1x'></i>
            <i class='fas fa-ban fa-stack-2x'></i>
          Firefox-Browser on fa-ban


    Firefox-Browser on fa-square
    Firefox-Browser on fa-circle
    Firefox-Browser on fa-ban