Using Short Circuiting Assignment Operators in Angular

Short Circuiting Assignment Operators in Typescript 4.0 & Angular 11

Angular 11 supports only Typescript 4.0 version.

Typescript 4.0 has some cool features that can be used in Angular 11. 

One such feature is short-circuiting assignment operators.

JavaScript and other languages, supports compound assignment operators.

Compound-assignment operators perform the operation specified by the additional operator, then assign the result to the left operand as shown below.

// Addition 
// a = a + b
a += b;

// Subtraction
// a = a - b
a -= b;

// Multiplication
// a = a * b
a *= b;

// Division
// a = a / b
a /= b;

// Exponentiation
// a = a ** b
a **= b;

// Left Bit Shift
// a = a << b
a <<= b;

But we cannot use logical and (&&), logical or (||), and nullish coalescing (??) operators for compound assignment.

Typescript 4.0 supports now these three operators for compound assignment.

if (!a) {
  a = b;

We can replace the above statment with single line logical OR compound assignment a ||= b.

a = a && b; // a &&=b
a = a || b; // a ||=b
a = a ?? b; // a ??=b

With this shorthand notation we can lazily initialize values, only if they needed.

let arrayOfString: string[];

(arrayOfString ??= []).push("hello");

The logical assignment operators work differently when compare to other mathematical assignment operators.

Mathematical assignment operators always trigger a set operation.

But logical assignment operators uses its short-circuiting semantics and avoids set operation if possible.

let x = 0;
const obj = {
  get x() {
    return x;
  set x(value) {
    console.log('setter called');
    x = value;

console.log("Set method called");
obj.x += 1;

console.log("Normal Logical OR");
obj.x = obj.x || 2;

// Logical operators do not call setters unnecessarily
// This will not log setter method.
console.log("ShortHand Notation");
obj.x ||= 2;

console.log("&& operator")

obj.x &&= 3;

We won’t be getting much performance benefit, but calling set operation unnecessarily has it’s side effects.

In the following example, if the.innerHTML setter was invoked unnecessarily, it might result in the loss of state (such as focus) that is not serialized in HTML:

document.getElementById('previewZone').innerHTML ||= '<i>Nothing to preview</i>';